- испечен не из того теста
- • (СДЕЛАН <ИСПЕЧЕН>) ИЗ ДРУГОГО <НЕ ИЗ ТОГО> ТЕСТА; (СДЕЛАНЫ <ИСПЕЧЕНЫ> ИЗ РАЗНОГО ТЕСТА all coll[AdjP or PrepP; subj-compl with быть (subj: human); last var. - pl only; the Part сделан etc may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]=====⇒ one is totally dissimilar from another or others in his views, character, life style etc, or two or more people are totally dissimilar from one another in their views, characters, life styles etc:- X (сделан) из другого теста (, чем Y) - X is cut from a different cloth (than Y);- X is cast in a different mold (than Y);- X is a breed apart (of a different breed);- [in limited contexts] X is made of different stuff (than Y);- X is of (quite) a different stripe (from Y);- X is in a different category (than Y).♦ И я снова должна была осознавать, что все простые человеческие радости не про меня. Ко мне не приедут. Мне не положено. Я из другого теста (Гинзбург 2). Thus I was reminded all over again that all the ordinary human joys were not for me. There was no one to visit me. It was not within my rights. I was in a different category (2a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.